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"Now I live my life as not my own, but as an empty vessel to be used as God see's fit for His glory! "But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God." Acts 20:24

Sunday, May 29, 2011



My coffee cup says, “Eres la major mama.” I’m so glad ;)
I got another chance to kind of connect with the kids again. There was a really quiet girl named Leidy who was keeping to herself a bit, but as I tried to start up a game with the group before club started, she was really the only one who kept saying she wanted to play. So her and I threw a Frisbee around. I know this doesn’t sound very significant, but it’s difficult (for me at least) to reach out to the older girls in the group. So it was cool to just spend some time with her :) I also met and talked with a little bit a girl named Neidelli. She’s only 5 or 6 and speaks very slowly in Spanish which is probably why I like her so much ha ha. I am so blessed to have another chance to come to Costa Rica and spend even more time with the kids. I ran into Gabriel walking to Matt and Brooke’s and he was so excited and kept saying hola and waving until I got closer to him then talked a lot and really really fast in Spanish that I didn’t understand (not that I usually can understand the kids, but it's harder with him especially...Ethan says usually can't understand him either). I'm going to miss these kids soooo much!


Justine and I were sick all day Saturday. Not sure what it was, but both of us were achy, Justine had a headache and I was sore inhaling and exhaling. But it wasn’t too bad, as long as I didn’t, you know, move or breathe or anything crazy like that. I had to walk to Matt and Brooke’s to tell them that we couldn’t go to the beach with them, then after sleeping from 9-3pm realized we were pretty much out of food and walked to the pulperia down the street. On these two occasions that I rolled out of bed, and just grabbed shorts and t-shirt, I ran into one of the guys who goes to the church (who just said hola and looked at me funny), Eddy, Rosiris’ and her dad, Gabriella, Neysi and Dayana, all at different times. It was ridiculous ha ha… and I’m sure that if I looked the way I felt, it was a scary experience for them ;) But on the bright side, this time I didn’t wake up to the smell of a rotting rat and have to use a spoon to open up the box fan and get it out…yaaaaay… :)

Anyways, please be praying for us. I think it’s spiritual warfare. I got sick 3 times the week before I left to come here. But we’re both doing well today, and excited for church this evening!

Oh yeah also, Justine is totally getting the hang of living in Costa Rica.  There was a HUGE cockroach on the floor and without hesitation she got the broom and somehow flushed it down the toilet. I'm so proud of her ha ha :)  Also I decided that besides the Bible, the broom is the missionaries greatest tool- gets rid of and kills scorpians, cockroaches, spiders AND leaves your floor nice and clean. Amazing! ;)

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